Sunday, January 23, 2011

77lbs to lose.

I find that everything I start (for the most part), I drop like a hot potato.  I have 77 extra lbs on me that I've accumulated throughout the years.  Even as I type this, I've already tried, judged and convicted myself for having the most sedentary lifestyle, ever.  I've got several DVDs that are going to be my companions through this weight loss journey.  My short term goal is to dip under 200.  Once I reach that, my next goal is going to be (barring getting pregnant), to not look disgusting in a bikini this summer.

For my age, height and weight apparently 111-153 is a healthy range.  I'm aiming for 135, but if I go to 111??? I don't think I'd even know what to do!  That's probably an "in my dreams" weight, but you know, I never back down from a challenge.  I'm going to avoid scales except for once a month, and I will be taking my measurements every 8 weeks.

As far as food, this is what I found on a website that I'm supposed to intake to reach my goal in a healthy manner (I'm thinking about 2 lbs a week);


1 serving fruit
1 serving reduced fat milk
2 servings starch
1 serving fat


1 serving vegetable
1 serving reduced fat milk
2.5 servings of starch
1 serving beans, peas or lentils
1 serving meat medium fat
1 serving fat


1 serving fruit

2 serving vegetables
1 serving fruit
1 serving reduced fat milk
1 serving starch
2 servings meat medium fat
1 serving fat

I've got mouth allergies to fruits and vegetables because I have hay fever and apparently some people (over half if I'm not mistaken) develop a mouth allergy.  Mine just makes my palate and throat itch and the inside of my lips get hives.  It's more annoying than anything, but I can eat frozen and heated fruit/vegetables just fine.  Vegetables I get away with steaming them and I love them.  As far as fruits, go, I have yet to find a way and what I do instead is once in a while, I'll just have it.  

By the way, THIS is the bikini I want to be able to rock;

But, for my age, I'll settle for this one;

Well, I'll update soon and let you dear reader, know how I'm coming along.

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